Top Ten Reasons Putting a Computer in your Shower would be Awesome

Let’s face it– getting into a perfect shower is awesome. Music playing, steam rising; it’s refreshing and relaxing. The better your shower experiences, the more apt you are to shower (and let’s face it– students need a reason to shower). Showering is not to be skipped, as it is an important step in impression management. One thing that would make everyone’s shower experience perfect 100% of the time– computerizing it! Here’s ten reasons why that would be awesome:

  1. You could program the temperature of the water. No more freezing showers or burning your skin!

  2. You could control the pressure– nice and soft for morning showers and tough for post-gym showers to relax your muscles.

  3. You play music! Have a designated shower playlist to relax you or pump you up.

  4. You can time your shower. Limiting how long you shower is better for the environment and your hydro bill.

  5. Control humidity! No wiping off the mirrors and still not being able to see your reflection.

  6. You could have dynamic lighting! Never miss a spot while shaving your legs again.

  7. Energy saving– feel good about your energy consumption while feeling good about hygiene

  8. Fully customizable. Want the water coming out a different faucet while you have conditioner in your hair? Want the water to run less while you’re washing your hair? Customize every moment in the shower to suit your preferences.

  9. The shower computer can be adaptive to your needs. Shampoo spraying out in the water when you need it? Awesome. Perfect level of jets for your relaxing bath? Yes please!! Need doggie shampoo to bath your dog? You got it!

  10. Self Cleaning Function. You can program your shower to clean ITSELF. No more struggling not to slip as you scrub the tub. The shower can self-detect it’s need to be washed and do it itself. Less stress (and hassle, and tears for you).

    Keep in mind, this is just my idea of what could come out of this. I am by no means a designer. The possibilities are endless! What to me might be used to play music, one might use to listen to the morning news. It all depends on the want of the user. One thing is for sure– there would be ample users for the product!

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